Friday, April 6, 2012


Vorerst saubere Toiletten (Clean Toilets!).

Die Retter in der Not (The Cleaning-Mamas).

Beim Tee und Mittagessen nach dem Putzen (Tea time).

A real backpacker ;-). The only day that was cloudy.

Meine Gastmutter hat Geburtstag! (My host mum's birthday).

Wanderung in den Drakensbergen (Hiking in the mountains).

Wandmalerien der San (Ancient traditional paitings in Kaw-Zulu-Natal).

Lion King!

Hippo Tree in the Kruger National Park.

Right in front our car!

Good times in the Kruger National.

Giraffes and Zebras.

It's a hot day!

A dangerous snake in Phumlani/Needs Camp. Scary!

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